Archives des déclarations

  • Action collective des Organisations indépendantes des femmes iraniennes

    Encore une fois en République islamique d’Iran, une catastrophe a entraîné la mort de 51 ouvriers et plusieurs blesses ,ils les ont tués et en ont détruit des dizaines. de familles. Pour les propriétaires de capitaux, 51 n’est qu’un chiffre, mais l’ascension révolutionnaire du général Jian Azadi nous a appris à défendre le droit à…

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  • In the Name of Woman, Life, and Freedom

    We, 24 independent organizations of Iranian women in the diaspora, reflect on the experiences, achievements, and challenges two years after the revolutionary uprising of Jina. This movement, sparked by the government’s killing of Jina (Mahsa) Amini, began with a quest for a life free of discrimination and inequality and has been named the “Jin, Jiyan,…

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  • In Solidarity with “No to Execution Tuesdays” & Campaign Against the Death Penalty!

    As we approach the second anniversary of the nationwide revolutionary uprising sparked by the state-sanctioned killing of Jina (Mahsa) Amini, we witness the resistance of female political prisoners in over 18 prisons across Iran. These women are waging a significant campaign for the right to life. The “No to Execution” campaign has now entered its…

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